Want More for Less? Compare Classwork.com to 6 Digital Classroom Tools
Classwork.com is one of the most feature-rich digital classroom tools available today. If you use Nearpod, Kami, Formative, Classkick, Edulastic, or Pear Deck, then we invite you to explore how Classwork.com’s versatility can save you time and money.
When You Compare Digital Classroom Tools…
Classwork.com stands out as the best in class digital classroom tool because of its autograding, versatility, ease of use– and affordability. Classwork.com does the job of several more expensive products at a much more affordable price point. In some cases, incumbent tools such as Formative cost 3x – 4x as much as Classwork.com. In other cases, like with Kami, the cost is similar but Classwork.com offers much more functionality.
How Does Classwork.com Stack Up to Formative, Peardeck, Nearpod, Kami, and Classkick?
See the table below to compare Classwork.com to your current tools and see what you and your students gain by making the switch to Classwork.com today.
Don’t Let Budget Cuts Leave a Scar
As ESSER funds dry up, cutting back on technology subscriptions doesn’t have to leave a scar. Your teachers, students, and parents have been growing comfortable with technology over the past few years. That’s a good thing! The adoption of digital classroom tools and learning platforms has taken years of investment. There’s no turning back now without leaving a deep gash in your schools.
Get More for Less with Classwork.com
You can replace multiple digital classroom tools with one Classwork.com subscription and actually get MORE CAPABILITY WHILE SAVING BIG BUCKS.
See the table below to compare Classwork.com to your current tools and see what you and your students gain by making the switch to Classwork.com today.