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How to use technology to prepare for the 2023 Texas STAAR Test

The 2023 Texas STAAR Test will be different than in years past. House Bill 3906 set a full redesign of the annual Texas standardized test into motion. 

One of the primary initiatives of the redesign is a move toward the electronic administration of all assessments. Given that the Texas STAAR Test 2023 is moving to online delivery, thereby embracing electronic tools for administering this standardized test, it only makes sense for teachers and administrators to do the same!

Let’s dive into this annual event and uncover a few ways you can best help your students prepare for the STAAR Test without adding more to your already full plate.

Texas STAAR Updates

What is the Texas STAAR Test?

The State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness, (STAAR) Test is a state-mandated criterion-referenced assessment that Texas students must take to demonstrate their mastery of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for their grade level. STAAR testing begins in the third grade and continues through HS. The state implemented the switch from TAKS to the STAAR testing program in the 2011-2012 school year through a collaboration between the Texas Educators Association, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, and Texas education policy makers.

What is the purpose of the TX STAAR?

The Texas STAAR test contains several different portions that assess specific academic areas. These tests seek to assess a student’s comprehension of the state-mandated curriculum requirements known as the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS).

How will the Texas STAAR test be different in 2023?

While numerous changes to the Texas STAAR Test have been announced for the 2022-2023 year, highlights have focused on the following:

    • Full transition to online assessments
    • Capping the number of multiple-choice questions to 75%
    • Eliminating standalone writing for grades 4 and 7
    • New technology-enhanced item types will account for at least 25% of the assessment

While the TX STAAR Test 2023 scoring may change due to HB 3906, the specifics are not yet entirely clear. While some resources and sample questions have been made available, Teachers will need to a lot more to get students ready.

When do students take the Texas STAAR Exam in 2023?

The 2023 Texas STAAR Test will be administered beginning in April. You can review the Testing Calendars to keep updated on the STAAR Test administration and other pertinent events.

Who takes the Texas STAAR Assessment?

STAAR assessments are administered for the following grades and courses:

    • Grades 3–8 Mathematics and Reading
    • Grades 4 and 7 Writing
    • Grades 5 and 8 Science
    • Grade 8 Social Studies
    • Algebra I, English I, English II, Biology, and U.S. History

Are there practice tests for the TX STAAR standardized test?

There are numerous practice tests for prior years of the STAAR. But there are very few resources for STAAR Online practice available through the Texas Education Agency. The TEA encourages Teachers to have students start practicing early and take practice tests throughout the school year. TeacherMade is a great resource for Teachers to use because it can give students exposure to the new STAAR test questions throughout the year.

What are some tech resources to use with students to prepare for the Texas STAAR 2023?

To help teachers prepare for the Texas STAAR Test, various technologies will play more of a role than ever. Teachers can lighten their load by embracing technology and help their students prepare for the standardized test more efficiently.

Let’s dive into a few such resources and see how each can help you and your students prepare.


TeacherMade is an app that can help you use practice questions for the STAAR Test right now. You can take test prep materials and put them straight into the app. Use PDFs, Word Docx, or images. These files become the background of your online assignment. You add your questions on top of the background image. It’s that easy.

TeacherMade has a variety of question types, and it is the closest thing we’ve found to simulating TEI questions that standardized tests are using these days. It’s also self-grading. This means your students get instant feedback, and you get instant data. Zero in on where your students are falling short. This will help you use each minute of instruction time effectively before the big test. TeacherMade is the best way to make digital interactive worksheets and assessments to prepare for the Texas STAAR.


Touting an impressive increase in scores by students using this popular platform, Quizlet is software with confidence! By integrating on-demand learning assistance in the form of study sets, flashcards, in-class games, and more, Quizlet seeks to increase knowledge retention through engagement. STAAR Test Flashcards? Yes, please! (But when you want your students to practice in the actual STAAR Online format, so far only TeacherMade supports it.)


This online formative assessment platform is for making and delivering tests in your classroom. It does support several of the new item types found on the STAAR Online redesigned test. But beware, because it’s pricey. There is a free limited version that may work for you.

Get started with TeacherMade today.

Of all of the above apps, TeacherMade can help you prepare your students for the Texas STAAR Test (and beyond!) efficiently and effectively– every day. Because it is a versatile tool that can be used to make so many different classroom activities, it is a real game-changer for Texas Teachers. 

We hope these resources will help your classroom prepare for the newly revised STAAR test. Happy educating!