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More Meaningful Teacher Evaluations: Gather Evidence of Student Learning with TeacherMade

What makes Teacher evaluations productive and meaningful? The evaluation needs to focus on growth rather than scores. Reframe Teacher evaluations by using the right tools. TeacherMade focuses regular assessment in the classroom on meaningful feedback that produces valuable data. Teachers can use TeacherMade at each step of the evaluation process. We’ll walk you through how to incorporate in Danielson’s Framework and Marzano Teacher Evaluations.

Teacher Evaluation TeacherMade

What is Danielson’s Framework?

Danielson’s Framework, initially developed by Charlotte Danielson, attempts to break down the components of teaching that contribute most to student learning and achievement. This Framework takes the abstract craft of teaching and breaks it down into twenty-two components that administrators can use in Teacher evaluations. These twenty-two components are then divided into four domains to simplify areas of practice for Teachers. We’ll break down each of the domains.

Domain 1: Planning and Preparation

Danielson’s first domain relates to how Teachers plan and prepare for a lesson. This includes the concept of their lesson, instructional goals, knowledge of students, instructional goals, and plans for assessment.

Domain 2: Classroom Environment

Domain two is comprised of ways the Teacher manages the environment and behavior in the classroom. This includes Teacher and student interaction, learning culture, managing student behavior, and the physical classroom.

Domain 3: Instruction

The third domain of Danielson’s Framework is instruction, and it deals with how the lesson functions. This includes communication of instruction, questioning, discussion, assignments, instructional materials, structure, pacing, feedback to students, and responsiveness to feedback.

Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities

The fourth domain revolves around professional responsibilities that typically occur outside of the day-to-day classroom. This includes professional growth, record-keeping, communication, participation in professional development, contribution to the school environment, and professionalism.

How can TeacherMade help schools apply the Danielson Framework for Teacher Evaluations?

TeacherMade is an online assignment creator with robust features. It makes instruction, assessment, and data accessible to all stakeholders in the educational process. Educators can use TeacherMade in all domains of the Danielson Framework.

Domain 1: Planning and Preparation

A large part of running a successful class is planning and preparation. Ingraining assessment strategies that collect data effectively help Teachers know where they are going. This should be step one in the planning and preparation step.

Domain 2: Classroom Environment

Teachers can improve classroom management by implementing digital tools like TeacherMade. TeacherMade prevents discipline issues in the classroom by freeing up Teachers’ instruction time. When Teachers assign work digitally, they are not spending time collecting work or passing out graded assignments. Instead, they are more focused on instruction and their students.

Domain 3: Instruction

Feedback to students can be so tough to demonstrate, but with TeacherMade, it’s effortless. Once you put your lesson plan to the test, collect the data from your lesson via a TeacherMade assignment. TeacherMade grades assignments instantly, but you can also leave personalized feedback on individual student assignments.

Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities

Part of the professional responsibility domain is demonstrating a commitment to personal growth. Using data collected from TeacherMade can help. TeacherMade presents data after student assessment. Use this data to inform decisions about ways to plan professional development opportunities.

What are Marzano Focused Teacher Evaluations?

Marzano Focused Teacher Evaluations are similar to the Danielson Framework, but we’ll break down how some nuances vary. Let’s look at Marzano Focused Teacher Evaluation Domains for a closer look.

Domain 1: Pedagogical Strategies

This domain looks at what Teachers are doing in the classroom for the lesson. This is the largest domain of the Marzano Focused Teacher Evaluation. It includes things like lesson characteristics, classroom routines, and the flow of the class. Marzano doesn’t expect to see all 41 characteristics he details here in one lesson, but there should be evidence that a lot of these characteristics occur in one lesson.

Domain 2: Planning and Preparing

Domain 2 is connected to Domain 1. This is because the success of pedagogical strategies directly relates to the planning and preparation done. Teachers need to plan lesson goals, activities, and assessments.

Domain 3: Deliberate Practice

Domain 3 is focused on how the Teacher grows. As Teachers develop their craft, their students benefit. A professional growth plan that is personalized to the Teacher will result in the most growth for the educator.

Domain 4: Collegiality and Professionalism

Marzano focuses a lot on Teachers’ growth within the school. This domain emphasizes the importance of active participation in PLC groups, Teacher-led professional development, and dynamic growth plans.

How can TeacherMade help schools make Marzano Teacher Evaluations meaningful?

Turn your Teacher evaluations into a meaningful process with the right tool. TeacherMade not only digitizes the assessment process but gives you meaningful ways to implement strategies emphasized in Teacher evaluations.

Lesson Planning

Implement a strategy for digital assignments in the lesson planning. TeacherMade makes it easy to convert PDFs into digital assignments.


Once your assignments are digitized, you have a simple way to have an goal-oriented assessment strategy that grows your students’ achievement over time. TeacherMade frees up Teachers’ time with self-grading. Instead, Teachers can zero in on more meaningful feedback on the learning targets that matter most.


Once the assessment is finished, Teachers can use TeacherMade to analyze data. Look at places that need improvement. Zero in on subgroups to tackle learning gaps.

Growth and Professional Development

Take your data and apply it straight to a growth plan that informs more meaningful professional development. Teachers will appreciate how productive TeacherMade makes them in and out of the classroom.

Gain more insight while making assignments digital with TeacherMade

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