
Remote Learning: Online Resources for Distance Learning

Remote learning is here to stay, but that shouldn’t fill you with a sense of dread. Instead, feel empowered to use a wealth of tools inside and out of your classroom.

Remote Learning Resources

What is remote learning?

Remote learning happens when the teacher and students are separated.  They are not together in a traditional in-person classroom. Students and teachers connect with technology.  The term “remote learning” usually designates that the class meets together in person and has the option of meeting remotely.

Remote Learning vs Distance Learning vs Online Virtual Learning

Remote, distance, and online learning all involve physical separation and technology for connectivity. Often these terms get used interchangeably, but there are some subtle differences to be aware of when talking about distance learning. Distance learning and online classes are structured for distance. Students sign up for distance and virtual classes with the knowledge that they will be online. Whereas remote learning occurs as an extension of a traditional classroom.

Remote Learning vs Distance Learning vs Online Virtual Learning​

Synchronous vs Asynchronous: What’s the difference?

Remote learning can run on different timelines. Often there are set times to class with students logging in for a live lesson, and students complete real-time assignments. This is called synchronous learning. But distance learning can take on a level of flexibility with asynchronous learning. Asynchronous learning occurs when students access class materials on their schedule.

Synchronous vs Asynchronous Remote Learning​
How Effective is Remote Learning

It depends. Distance learning varies greatly in execution, the results were mixed. With the right tools and preparation, schools will find distance learning equally successful compared to traditional in-person learning.

Schools have been forever changed  since COVID-19. There will be more technology use and more remote learning than ever before. Read about how the pandemic changed chemistry teacher Cassandra Kobrick’s class.

Schools have been made more resilient due to the pandemic. There is a plan for weather days, sickness, and staff shortages. Read more about how Rancho Verde Elementary created a remote learning program that is both equitable and successful.

A few common problems can occur with distance learning. We’ve compiled some tips for troubleshooting distance learning.

The key to successful distance learning comes from preparation. Teacher May Yang said remote learning was difficult because it felt like she was “building the airplane as she was flying it.” But it doesn’t have to feel this way. There are many apps that you should check out so you can prepare for distance learning. While you’re at it, get prepared for remote teaching on Zoom.

Students need to feel safe to thrive in the classroom. Organize online class materials and lessons. Keep things predictable, so your students feel safe, but create engaging lessons using edtech to hook their attention.

Ok, but what about motivation and fun? Technology gives us flexibility in the remote classroom, and teachers can grant students autonomy to make more choices. Read more about accomplishing this so that your students find relevancy in what they are learning.

There is no return to the way things used to be before COVID-19. But we can take the hardships that districts experienced and move towards a better tomorrow. We’ve rounded up a few ideas that schools can implement to help with virtual learning. Each tip below aims to increase student learning and improve job quality for teachers. 

Whether you’re testing out video-conferencing tools like Google Meet or you’re just looking for the right tools to conduct class online for hybrid teaching, there is no shortage of remote teaching tools on the market. 

TeacherMade is our pick for a robust program for both assignments and assessment.

Teaching during a pandemic is like building the car as it drives down the highway. But there are hard and fast lessons that can come from pandemic teaching. Virtual learning is here to stay, and teachers can take the lessons from the COVID-19 teaching experience and move forward with hybrid learning.

The key to navigating these new virtual learning snow days is to balance what your school wants with what your students need. So make sure your assignment checks all the necessary boxes, but keep it fun because your students will still want it to feel like a snow day. Here are a few ideas to get you started.

Every day you take off as a teacher can be exhausting. You have to plan out every minute so the days go off without a hitch. You may never know when you or a family member may be asked to quarantine. You need to anticipate unexpected days off with plans for substitute teachers as well as sub plans for virtual learning.

Districts and schools have a lot on their plate when choosing how to spend their money. Budgets are tight, leading to reluctance to choose vendors. There’s a lot to consider. Here are a few places that organizations see hangups and delays when selecting software or new technology:

    • Differentiating the similar and competing products on the market
    • Not having enough time to test out new tech
    • Worrying about choosing the wrong product and making a costly mistake

Often the most challenging step is making a decision. We’ve rounded up some tips for choosing and adopting tech for schools.

Start the year off right by establishing solid communication with parents using distance learning tools. Proactive communication is your best answer to future issues that pop up with students. Establishing a solid relationship with parents lets students know everyone is on their side. We’ll break down the details of establishing parent-teacher communication at the beginning of the year.


TeacherMade converts traditional assignments to interactive online activities

The TeacherMade app converts existing assignments to online assignments in a flash. The best part? Your remote learning assignments will look and feel like traditional paper assignments. TeacherMade takes a few short minutes to convert assignments.

    • Upload a file to TeacherMade. Your file becomes the background image for the online worksheet. 
    • Add fields for student responses.
    • Add answers if you want to utilize TeacherMade’s scoring functionality. 
    • Send out the assignment link.
    • Analyze students’ answers and data!

Digitize your Classroom Assignments for Remote Learning With TeacherMade

It’s never been easier to digitize assignments for your classroom with TeacherMade. Sign up today for TeacherMade and receive a FREE 30-day trial of our pro account!