Substitution allows students to continue the same work they would do in a classroom seat at home on the family computer. It can also provide additional supports for some students without additional modifications.
We all were placed in situations this year where we had to design and develop learning structures in an online environment due to COVID closures. Districts with very little experience in online learning had difficulty with this process, and often relied on canned curriculum programs to quickly adapt.
SAMR allows a framework where these schools could have looked at starting with basic substitution of their current learning assets, and gradually applying the SAMR framework as continued training and comfort in technology use for both teachers and students developed.
Just the ability for some students to type can be a learning support. Many students with deficiencies in fine motor skills, especially at the elementary level, can be more successful in typing responses, or even using basic speech to text tools now included in programs such as Google Docs and Microsoft Word.
This allows the student to not only continue to learn in a remote environment, but to be more successful by having tools that help them overcome specific learning barriers.
Substitution, as seen by clicking on the “S” image, is taking an activity done on paper and adapting it for an online experience. (You will have to login to TeacherMade.) Here, the child is still completing the same learning activity of reading and identifying the main idea. This “substitution” to a digital environment allows the student to complete this online.
Here in Teachermade, this is done in minutes using open answer response boxes placed directly over the response lines on the paper. With the addition of text boxes for the Name at the top, we now have a full digital replication, or substitution, of the analog worksheet.
Teachermade eliminates the time-consuming struggle of trying to create worksheets in Word or Google Docs that are easy for students to interact with.