Auto-Grading: No More Late Nights Grading Papers When You Use TeacherMade

Work Smarter, Not Harder

We listen closely to our Teachers. That’s how we developed the most versatile and intuitive auto-scoring system you’ve ever used. And we include rich feedback features so our teachers can directly impact student achievement: 

  • Auto-grading of 24 different question types
  • Teacher adjustments to auto-scores that let you award or remove points
  • Make answer key updates while grading
  • Score written and drawn responses
  • Teacher feedback on student submissions
  • Teacher can write, draw, and mark anywhere on student submissions – including adding motivational stickers
  • Teacher/student feedback response threads
  • Student score reports


There are three methods for grading TeacherMade assignments:

Automatic: This is the auto-scoring grade that TeacherMade gives to your students after they submit their assignments.

Automatic + Teacher: This allows you to override the final score of the assignment by adding or removing points to both the total possible score or the total achieved by the student.

Custom: There are certain activity types such as essays or Show Your Work where you will need to give a score. And if you don’t include correct answers on an activity, you can enter scores manually.

Reclaim your nights and weekends with TeacherMade’s auto-grading feature. Here’s how it works:

  1. Upload your PDF, docx, or image.
  2. Quickly draw answer boxes on the document.
  3. Use our 24 different question type tools like dropdowns, text entry, multiple choice, drag-and-drops, and more…
  4. Type in the correct answer(s).
  5. And then let TeacherMade auto-grade assignments for you as students submit their work.
TeacherMade Auto-Grading

With teacher shortages on the rise, it’s critical that teachers and school district address teacher burnout. One way is to reduce time grading, so teachers get time away from school to recharge. TeacherMade makes grading more efficient.

Reclaim your nights and weekends with TeacherMade’s auto-grading feature. Here’s how it works:

  1. Just upload your PDF, docx, or image.
  2. Quickly place answer areas on the document.
  3. Use our 16 different question type tools like dropdowns, text entry, multiple choice, drag-and-drops, and more…
  4. Fill in the answer key.
  5. And then let TeacherMade  auto-grade assignments  for you.

Digital Assignments Auto-Graded By TeacherMade

What Is Auto-Grading?

Auto-Grading is your best teaching assistant, designed to ease the burden of manual grading. It automatically scores a wide range of question types and provides instant feedback, freeing up your time for more meaningful interactions with students. With TeacherMade’s auto-grading, you can streamline your workflow and focus on what matters most— teaching!

TeacherMade's autograding feature saves hours each week!

Analyze Data Faster

Make important decisions about student learning more efficiently because of TeacherMade’s auto-grading features. Formative data is instantly available and teachers can easily see where students need reteaching using the color-coded reports. 

These visual insights help educators quickly identify areas of struggle, allowing for targeted interventions and more personalized instruction at the time of learning– not days or weeks later. By leveraging real-time data and feedback, teachers can adapt their teaching strategies effectively and improve student outcomes.

Can Students See Their Grades Instantly?

Auto-grading doesn’t just make life easier for teachers; it can also gamify assignments for students. We’re not talking video games, but rather a contest where they are competing against themselves! This approach makes learning more engaging and motivating. 

Don’t worry though, teachers still have all the power. They can set controls like preventing students from submitting until they reach a 60% score or allowing them to check scores once or twice only before submitting to cut back on guessing. This balance ensures that learning remains focused and productive.

Make Google Classroom Auto-Grading Seamless

We’ve thought of everything. The TeacherMade platform covers all of your grading needs, saving you loads of time and hassle. And because our software seamlessly integrates into Google Classroom, Canvas, and Schoology, you don’t have to shuffle through many different programs to put grades where you want them.

TeacherMade Helps You Simplify Recording Grades with LMS Gradebook Integrations

Once TeacherMade is connected to your LMS, students receive their assignment links there. They also get their grades for completed assignments there.

For teachers, LMS integration means student grades flow right into their Google Classroom gradebook, Canvas’ gradebook, and Schoology’s gradebook. No more manual entry, downloading .CSV files and uploading them into another system– the integrations work with auto-grading to significantly reduce the amount of time you have to spend on administrative tasks each day. Enjoy life more when you use TeacherMade!

HQIM and New District-Adopted Curriculums On Paper?

Do you have a new curriculum? Facing a pile of paper and pencil assignments and being told you and your students must do them? Don’t go back to making copies! 

With TeacherMade’s auto-grading feature, you can easily digitize and automate grading, saving time and reducing stress on you while making your students much more likely to engage in their work. 

Now that TeacherMade includes an AI-powered Activity Assistant, it takes just a couple of clicks of the mouse to have a PDF converted to an interactive auto-scored activity that produces instant formative assessment data.

Make grading go faster with our auto-grade features

We listen closely to our Teachers. That’s how we developed the most versatile and intuitive auto-scoring system you’ve ever used. And we include rich feedback features so our Teachers can directly impact student achievement: 

  • Auto-grading of 16 different question types
  • Teacher adjustments to auto-scores that let you award or remove points
  • Make answer key updates while grading
  • Score written and drawn responses
  • Teacher feedback on student submissions
  • Teacher can write, draw, and mark anywhere on student submissions – including adding motivational stickers
  • Teacher/student feedback response threads
  • Student score reports
TeacherMade's autograding feature saves hours each week!

Online Assignments Auto-Graded By TeacherMade

Analyze Data Faster

Make key decisions about student learning faster with assignments and assessments. By using auto-grading features on TeacherMade, educators can use data and student feedback to inform their teaching. 

Make Google Classroom Auto-Grading Seamless

We’ve thought of everything. The TeacherMade platform covers all of your grading needs, saving you loads of time and hassle. And because our software seamlessly integrates into Google Classroom, you don’t have to shuffle through many different programs to put grades where you want them.

TeacherMade Helps You Simplify Your Grading With .CSV Exports

Need scores in your gradebook? Export a set of scores straight to a Microsoft Excel .xslx, .csv, or Google Sheets file. Then from there, you can quickly upload scores to your school’s grade management software.

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