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Virginia SOL

The Comprehensive Guide to the VA Test

The Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) tests are a series of assessments that are administered to students in Virginia public schools in grades 3 through 12.

These tests are designed to measure a student’s proficiency in various subjects, including English, math, science, and history.

The SOL tests are important because they measure student achievement and hold schools accountable for ensuring that students meet the standards set by the state. Schools and school districts are required to report the results of the SOL tests to the state, and the state uses this information to determine the accreditation status of schools.
Virginia Sol

Virginia Sol Guide

There are two types of SOL tests: end-of-course (EOC) and grade-level tests. The EOC tests are administered at the end of a course in high schools, such as Algebra I or Biology, and are used to determine whether students have mastered the course content. The grade-level tests are administered to students in grades 3 through 8 and cover the content taught in those grade levels.

Virginia SOL Reading Test

  • Grade 3
  • Grade 4
  • Grade 5
  • Grade 6
  • Grade 7
  • Grade 8
  • High School End-of-Course

Virginia SOL Writing Test

  • Grade 8
  • High School End-of-Course

Virginia SOL Science Test

  • Grade 5
  • Grade 8
  • Earth Science  EOC
  • Biology EOC
  • Chemistry EOC

Virginia SOL Math Test

  • Grade 3
  • Grade 4
  • Grade 5
  • Grade 6
  • Grade 7
  • Grade 8
  • Algebra I EOC
  • Geometry EOC
  • Algebra II

Virginia SOL History and Social Studies Test

  • Grade 3
  • Virginia Studies
  • United States History to 1865
  • United States History: 1865 to the Present
  • Civics and Economics
  • Virginia and United States History
  • World History and Geography to 1500 C.E.
  • World History and Geography: 1500 C.E. to the Present
  • World Geography

What are the Virginia SOL standards?

The SOL tests are based on the Virginia Standards of Learning, a set of academic standards that outline what students should know and be able to do in each subject area at each grade level. These standards were developed by the Virginia Department of Education and are used by teachers to guide their instruction throughout the school year.

What is a passing score for the Virginia SOL?

Virginia SOL measures students on a scale of 0-600. Here’s how that breaks down for passing:

  • Students must earn a minimum of 400 on the test for acceptable proficiency.
  • Students must earn at least 500 on the test to achieve advanced proficiency.

Where can I find practice tests and released exams for the VA SOL?

There are many practice items listed on the Virginia Department of Education website. Here is a list of recently released tests.

Virginia SOL Reading Test

Virginia SOL Writing Test

Virginia SOL Science Test

Virginia SOL Math Test

Virginia SOL History and Social Studies Test

How is the VA SOL administered?

The Virginia SOL is an online test that utilizes TestNav. Students have access to TestNav to practice and select practice items to familiarize them with navigation, tools, formatting, and overall experience.

Computer Adaptive Testing

The Virginia SOL utilizes computer adaptive testing (CAT). Computer adaptive testing is a computer-based assessment that uses an algorithm to adjust the difficulty of questions presented to test takers based on their responses to previous questions.

CAT begins with a question of moderate difficulty, and the test taker’s response to that question determines the next question’s difficulty level. If the test taker answers the question correctly, the next question is slightly more difficult, while if the test taker answers incorrectly, the next question is slightly easier. This process continues until the algorithm determines the test taker’s level of proficiency or reaches a predetermined stopping point.

VA SOL Growth Assessments

The VA SOL Growth Assessments are administered periodically throughout the school year to measure a student’s progress in meeting these standards. They are designed to be computer-adaptive, which means that the difficulty of the questions presented to the student adjusts based on their responses. This allows for a more accurate assessment of a student’s level of knowledge and skills.

The VA SOL Growth Assessments provide teachers and administrators with data that they can use to inform instructional decisions and interventions to support student learning. The assessments also provide students and parents with information about the student’s progress toward meeting the Virginia SOLs, which can help identify areas of strength and areas where additional support may be needed.

Virginia SOL Test Prep and Resources

A daily test prep routine is better than back-loading test prep at the beginning of the year. Read about how you can use to simulate testing conditions daily in your classroom and make it a routine with bell work. 

Read more: 6 Ideas For Bell Work To Get Your Students Ready For The Virginia SOL Testing can help you prepare your students for the Virginia SOL Test. It is a versatile tool you and your students can use to make so many different classroom activities, it is a real game-changer for Virginia Teachers. 

  • Upload a file to Your file becomes the background image for the online worksheet or slide presentation.
  • Add fields for student responses.
  • Add answers if you want to utilize scoring functionality. 
  • Send out the assignment link.
  • Analyze students’ answers and data!

Get Ready For the Virginia Sol With

Classwork logo no text can help you prepare your students for the Virginia Sol Test (and beyond!) efficiently and effectively. Because it is a versatile tool that you and your students can use to make so many different classroom activities, it is a real game-changer for Texas Teachers. 

    • Upload a file to Your file becomes the background image for the online worksheet. 
    • Add fields for student responses.
    • Add answers if you want to utilize scoring functionality. 
    • Send out the assignment link.
    • Analyze students’ answers and data!